May 7, 2010

Jalan-jalan naik DIVA

Hari ni bleh dikatakan "unforgettable" day la jugak...why???  well, tima kasih byk2 la kat Kak Naem a.k.a my Rumate coz bawak ak n aida(budak bilik sebelah yg suka melepak kat bilik ak)~ pssss, aida klu ko baca jgn marah ek haha...~ 1st g TESCO. beli brg skit...then, mkn kat fud court...not really "mkn" acteli tp melepak cam org xdak rumah. almost 2 hours jugak la tp mmg best~ dpt usha org,gossiping n flirting dgn mamat sek mana ntah. dah 2 x reti2 nk bangun sebab perut full gila tp ada hati lg nk mkn asikrim which we really did buy it before leaving heeee. And aktiviti kami yg paling best and crazy eva today is "CHASING DA M.A.U WIRA"~ha, igt dol plate ketanya (thanks to aida yg mghafal)... i'll neva forget this moment!!! Oleh kerana xmau balik maktab lg, my rumate decide to take us for a ride around da town. Dgn 'tanpa' arah tujunya, kami pon bersuka ria di dlm DIVA (my rumate's car's name) smbil tecari-cari kot2 la tjumpa M.A.U td...gedikxx sungguh!! Walaupon xdak arah tuju, tapi mmg "heaven". Neva thought dat here in Melaka, there are plenty of beutifull and nice places to go even on the road. We (ak, kak naem n aida) were laughing n making fun of each other (or maybe sumone we met along the road. eg: pak cik beca)... well its fun u know!!!

A little thought from me~ Sumtimes, small things like riding a car can give a big impact in your life. So, have fun guys! Make up ur life with plenty of 'fool' and crazy things but interesting. Trust me, it will be the best eva thing u had done...(^^,)

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