May 7, 2010


Acteli ak pun xtau nk tulis apa. Lama jugak ek ak x post sumtink... hmmm what shud i write??? i'm not dat gud in writing 'things'~ especially sumtink yg formal. So, ak juz nk update my life lately. well, everything's fine thought. Friends, family, rumate, 'compartment' mate, facebook freinds( walaupon ak x kenal suma) all in gud condition(rasanya la haha). 0ppps~ lupa plak..acteli one of my classmate got sick and she was hospitalized which i'm not sure if she already got well but i hope she did---Nurul Izzatie Ismail, please get well soon. We( the whole class) miss u!!! And abah jus called this evening telling me that mak fell on the bathroom. Of coz i was shocked but abah said nothing to worry about. Mak cant walk so she couldnt go to school and of coz abah has to do all of the household chores haha.. pity you abah(^^). Mak said she was sad because she couldnt walk and that made me sad too. "It's okay mak, maybe Allah gave you times to rest and relax. Lets others take care of you". ~sorry i couldnt be home to look after you. well, get well soon mak!!! I LOVE YOU^^.

Exam dah nk dekat tp satu habuk apa pon ak x baca lg..ish2 mmg pemalas!!! tp kalo ak baca buku mmgla satu keajaiban sbb dats so "not me" okay... bila la nk dapat hidayah???? Anyway, hope "hidayah" comes before UAK TITAS... or else i'll get zero! Before i stop, i juz wanna say sorry if my "input" does not meet u'all taste. If u think my blog is interesting, keep going on but if not, u know what to do (or do i have to tell u??) By da way, i dont know what to "titled" this, it can be anything ( u can think of any title) or maybe nothing... or let it juz be"..........." okay... so, till i write again. see ya=) wink2

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