May 12, 2010

I'm stuck

Like I mentioned before, exam is juz around da corner. Actually, its tomorrow!!! And the worst part is, I still not fully ready for the exam as I dont read anything yet! ~(we1l, i lied. I did read sumthing thought heee~but not enough to the point where I can answer everything smoothly tomorrow).

     Everyone in my class are busy studying TITAS( tomorrow's exam subject) except for me who busily loafing around, facebooking,blogging(like i do now heee) and do nothing useful. Why is it so hard for me to at least focusing on reading book when exam is juz tomorrow? I wonder how those extra 'intelligent' peoples like someone whose studying medic or that boring philosophy things can keep on studying and struggling in their field. If i were them, I could have became crazy by now haha. 

    I dont wanna waste time any more. I better start reading notes by now...maybe^^. Anyway, i'll try my best. Yup, way to go dear(myself)!!!!

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